How to Prepare Water Buffalo After a Hunt
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Domestic Water Buffalo, also called Asian Water Buffalo, can weigh anywhere from 1,500 to 2,200 pounds. Male water buffalo are larger than their female counterparts, but both male and female water buffalo have horns up to 6 feet wide. Known for their bulky stature, they are typically around 10 feet long and 6 feet wide. An animal of this size is able to provide a large amount of meat, but there are a few factors that can affect the meat yield including the buffalo's age, size, and how the meat was butchered. The dressing percentage of an animal is determined by the weight of the carcass divided by the animal's live weight. For the water buffalo, the carcass weight is usually 45- 59% of the live weight. This percentage is less than the dressing percentage for other more common meats including beef, pork, and chicken. Of the dressing percentage, the take-home weight of actual consumable, boneless meat is even less. The average take home weight for a water buffalo is 30-35% of the live weight and 50-60% of the carcass weight.
Hunting Programs - Argentina
Season: March – July
- 6 Nigths and 5 Hunting Days
- One free range Red Stag trophy (no limit on score)
- Full board lodging – Open Bar
- One-on-one guiding
Buffalo meat, or carabeef, is more sustainable than beef and also more expensive. It is darker in color than beef and considered healthier as it is lower in fat. It is also lower in fat than chicken. Water buffalo meat is high in protein, omega-3s, iron, and B vitamins. It contains nearly no carbs and its taste can be described as sweet and earthy. The meat from a water buffalo is drier than beef because of its leaness, but it is still tender, which makes it versatile and perfect for many recipes.
Preparing the Meat
Preparing the meat from big game animals will take some time, but with patience and the right tools you will get it done. Different hunters have different methods and preferences, but you will definitely need a sharp boning knife. With more people working, butchering a water buffalo will go faster and can be completed in a couple hours. If you have a few people, you can divide the tasks so that one person is breaking down the carcass, one is trimming the cuts, and another is packing the meat in a cooler. Many hunters like to save and display the impressively sized water buffalo horns, so if you plan on saving them, be prepared with a proper saw because these horns can be several inches thick. The goal when hunting a water buffalo is to shoot the beast with the least possible amount of damage to the carcass. Bruising can cause reduced quality meat. It is best to get a shot through the heart to accelerate the bleeding process which aids in cooling the meat and preventing bacteria growth. When the carcass is fully broken down and your desired cuts are made and packaged, you will store the meat in the freezer until consumption.
Cooking the Meat
When you are ready to eat your buffalo meat, you should begin by defrosting the meat in the refrigerator. If you choose to marinate the meat, try to avoid acidic ingredients for the most tender results. Since the meat of a water buffalo has less fat content and therefore cooks quicker than beef, it should be cooked slowly on low heat. To keep the meat tender it should be cooked only to rare or medium at most. The final interior temperature should ideally range from 135 to 155 degrees F. The meat is delicious prepared in many different ways such as braised, grilled, broiled, pan seared, sauteed, or stir fried. When cooking buffalo meat, keep in mind that it does not shrink and will not secrete lots of grease like most other meats do.
Buffalo meat makes great steaks, roasts, meatloafs, chili, burgers and much more. Different parts of the animal are best suited for each of these dishes and various cooking methods. The neck meat is perfect for BBQ skewers, steaks, braising or roasting. The lean meat of the shoulders are great minute steaks, soups and stews, or even roasts if braised in one large piece. The thick rib eye steaks that come from the high back of the buffalo are delicious on the grill or broiled in the oven. The chuck short rib or cross rib can be braised or smoked. Smoking is also a great way to prepare the brisket. Most people's favorite part of the buffalo is the short loin which contains the tenderloin and NY strip cuts. These tender parts can be left whole for roasts or cut into steaks. The belly, or flank steak, is ideal for barbeque. The rump makes awesome roasts when roasted or braised, but it also can be cut into steaks or used for BBQ skewers. The legs also contain meat that makes for great cutlets or stewing meat.

Try it for Yourself!
You may not find buffalo on the menu of your local restaurants, but you can hunt buffalo yourself with South American Adventure Safaris. With SAAS, you can bring home the best fresh buffalo meat straight from Argentina. The lifelong memory of your amazing hunting experience in Argentina will make your stocked up freezer the second most rewarding result of your trip!
Hunting Programs - Argentina
Season: March – July
- 6 Nigths and 5 Hunting Days
- One free range Red Stag trophy (no limit on score)
- Full board lodging – Open Bar
- One-on-one guiding