Hunting Weather in Argentina: July – September

Overall Climate in Argentina: July- September

July and August mark Argentina’s winter, with colder temperatures in the south and milder conditions in the north. September begins spring, though early spring remains chilly across the country. Overall, this period is characterized by dry, cold weather.


Weather in Northern Argentina: July - September

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Average temperature

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In northern Argentina, winters are an average of 57 degrees Fahrenheit. September is when it starts to warm up a little with an average temperature of 65 degrees in northern regions.

Average rainfall

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Rainfall in northern Argentina during this time of the year is dependent on the specific area and humidity levels. Some parts average rainfall can be 10 inches, while other areas of northern Argentina only average around 5 inches.

Average snowfall

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It does not snow during the months of July, August, and September in most parts of northern Argentina.

What to wear

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The ideal hunting attire for July through September in northern Argentina is long pants for protection, a long sleeve shirt, and a light jacket. You should also make sure to check the forecast for a chance of rain. In the case of rain, bring extra socks, waterproof boots and a rain jacket.

Weather in Central Argentina: July - September

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Average temperature

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Central Argentina’s average winter temperature is 50 degrees, which is cooler than the north but warmer than the south. The average temperature in September in this area is around 57 degrees.

Average rainfall

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The average rainfall in central Argentina in July and August is around 2.5 inches a month. The precipitation slightly increases in September to an average of nearly 3 inches as temperatures get warmer. This is a dry time of year.

Average snowfall

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Snow is possible in central Argentina in the months of July and August, but still pretty rare. The temperatures are usually too high for snow. In September, the risk of snow goes down even more making it highly unlikely.

What to wear

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During this time of the year in central Argentina, it can get cool. When hunting, you will want to make sure to wear layers so you can adjust to your comfort level. Some suggest wearing long pants, long sleeves, a light to medium weight jacket, and even bringing a winter hat.

Weather in Southern Argentina: July - September

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Average temperature

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The average temperature in southern Argentina in the winter is 39 degrees, but below 32 degrees is very common in areas with higher altitudes. During this time of year, the south is generally the coldest part of the country. The average temperature in September is slightly warmer at around 46 degrees. It is typical for the weather to warm up during the days, but the nights to be cool.

Average rainfall

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With low temperatures often reaching below freezing, rain is much less common than snow in July and August. Precipitation as a whole is low during the dry winter months, but when it does happen it is usually in the form of snow.

Average snowfall

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Frost and snow are very common during the winter months in Southern Argentina. Certain areas can get up to 13 inches of snow, but on average there are around 6 inches of snow in southern Argentina during winter months. September can still get snow, but it is less common than July and August getting snow.

What to wear

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You can prepare for a hunt in southern Argentina this time of year by bundling up in long johns, long water resistant pants, a sweatshirt, a heavy jacket, a hat, gloves, and snow boots. As spring arrives in September, do not be fooled, as it still may be cold. Also, make sure to bring the appropriate colored camouflage to blend in with the snowy climate.

Previous Years Weather


From July to September 2024, Buenos Aires experienced winter transitioning into spring. July's average temperatures ranged from 8.2°C to 17.0°C, with light rain and fog on some days. September saw temperatures between 11°C and 23°C, with 3 to 8 days of rainfall. 


During the same period in 2023, Buenos Aires had similar conditions. July's average temperatures were around 14.4°C, with minimal precipitation. September temperatures averaged 17.2°C, with approximately 5 days of rainfall.

Species Available to Hunt in Argentina: July - September

Throughout the months of July, August, and September, there is a wide variety of species available to hunt. Snowy conditions may also help with visibility, as many of the following species best camouflage in warmer weather seasons. Winter is the best time for bird hunting due to the much lower chance of rain. The clear winter skies make for high visibility.

Book Your Trip Today

There is no better way to experience Argentina than with a good hunt organized by South American Adventure Safaris. South American Adventure Safaris knows all the best hunting destinations and will set you up with everything you need to have an amazing trip. There is no better time than now to select an Argentina Hunting Package to embark on your next adventure.

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Season: Year Round

We can custom create a package for large or small groups based on their preferences to include any of the following: Red Stag, Asian Water Buffalo, Axis Deer, Fallow Deer, Blackbuck Antelope, Wild Goat, European Muflon, Four Horned Sheep, Wild Sheep and European Wild Boar. We can combine any of this species along with a wingshooting trip.