Water Buffalo Hunting

Custom Tailored Big Game & Bird Hunting Programs - Argentina
Season: March – July
- 6 Nigths and 5 Hunting Days
- One free range Red Stag trophy (no limit on score)
- Full board lodging – Open Bar
- One-on-one guiding
What do Water Buffalo look like?
Is it safe to hunt Water Buffalo due to their size?
Why hunt Water Buffalo?
When is the Water Buffalo hunting season?
What do Water Buffalo look like?
There are two types of Water Buffalo: River Buffalo and Swamp Buffalo. River Buffaloes have longer faces and bigger limbs. Swamp Buffalos are bigger bodied and stocky with short bodies. The skin color of Water Buffalo varies. Many have black skin, similar to a polar bear however some may have dark, slate-colored skin. Water Buffalos, on rare occasions, have been to known to be albino. Water Buffalo also have massive horns that range from 24 to 32 inches long. Water Buffalo have the largest horns of any living animal. Read The History of Water Buffalo Hunting in Argentina
Is it safe to hunt Water Buffalo due to their size?
Why hunt Water Buffalo?
When is the Water Buffalo hunting season?
About the Water Buffalo
Water Buffalo can be identified by their
- They are dark grey to black
- White legs up to the knees
- Thin face with small ears
- Two tightly curled horns
Making use of the Water Buffalo
- 200-400 pounds of usable meat
- Hide ~60 sq ft
- Horns for knife handles or ornaments
- Taxidermy Trophy

Water Buffalo shot placement
- When hunting Water Buffalo, the ideal shot placement is in the chest area, just behind the shoulder. This shot placement targets the vital organs and ensures a quick and humane kill. For larger, mature Water Buffalo, a shot placed slightly higher in the neck area can also be effective. An appropriate range to hunt Water Buffalo is between 50-150 yards, depending on the terrain and your shooting ability.
The Water Buffalo in Argentina
- ~10,000-15,000 water buffalo in Argentina
- Best time to hunt is March to December
- Primarily found in Northern Argentina
- Water Buffalo have a lifespan of ~20 years
La Pampa, PE
2:47 am,
March 26, 2025
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