Untitled design (11)


craig boddington

Part 1/7: Question 1

What species are you interested in hunting?

What species are you interested in hunting?

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Part 2/7: Question 2

What time of year are you planning to hunt?

What time of year are you planning to hunt?

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Part 3/7: Question 3

What type of hunting experience are you looking for?

What type of hunting experience are you looking for?

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Part 4/7: Question 4

What is your skill level?

What is your skill level?

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Part 5/7: Question 5

What is your preferred location?

What is your preferred location?

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Part 6/7: Question 6

What is your preferred level of accommodation?

What is your preferred level of accommodation?

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Part 7/7: Question 7

What other activities are you interested in?

What other activities are you interested in?

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Additional Feedback

At what email address would you like to be contacted?*

At what email address would you like to be contacted?*

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Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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